Wild Greens is currently closed for submissions. Check back soon for an announcement about our April issue!
Please read all of the relevant guidelines before submitting.
Submitting writing?
Read this first:
Wild Greens accepts personal essays, poetry, short stories, and cultural commentary.
Personal essay: Submit one essay, up to 2000 words. Written in a lively first-person voice about anything you are excited to tell readers. All essays should have an overall point or main idea that you want to get across.
Poetry: Submit up to 5 poems per issue. We adore poetry of any type or variety! Please submit poems in a single document, and name the document with the title of the first poem and the author's name.
Short fiction: Submit one piece of short fiction. Please keep fiction under 1000 words (or let us know if you have a longer work that you'd like serialized across several issues). Short fiction can be of any genre, though it should in some way fit the theme of the issue for which you are submitting.
Cultural commentary: Do you have an urgent or timely piece, like a response to a cultural event? What about an untimely piece, like a review of a TV show that you just binged but that technically came out 10 years ago? Whatever culture you’re consuming, we want to hear about it. Commentary is welcome; please keep it under 2,000 words.
All writing is reviewed by our editorial staff, and we will request revisions before publishing your writing. We’re happy to work with you from whatever stage your writing is in, but please proofread before hitting submit!
Please read the Other Frequently Asked Questions before submitting.
Submitting image-based work?
Read this first:
Wild Greens accepts photography, paintings, sketched or inked work, digitally created images, and photos of handmade works.
Our editorial team will review your work and determine if it follow our guidelines below and fits the theme of an upcoming issue prior to publication.
If submitting an image-based work (other than photography), please ensure the following:
Send up to 5 high-quality .jpg or .png files no larger than 10MB.
Scanned images of your work are highly preferred.
We do not accept blurry or pixelated images of art or photos unless it is an intentional part of your work. If it is an intentional part of your work, please state so in your submission form.
Please ensure that your submission is cropped appropriately (particularly if it is a hand-crafted submission).
If you need to take a photo of your art, please do so in bright, natural lighting (we will not accept a photo of your work in warm lighting or fluorescent lighting).
If you need to take a photo of your art, avoid casting shadows that may obscure it (i.e. a shadow from your hand/camera). Do not use a flash to avoid over-exposure to any part of your work. We will not accept submissions that have shadows cast or flash reflections.
If you submit a hand-crafted item, please take a photo of it on a solid, neutral-colored background.
If you submit photography, ensure that it is a high-quality .jpg or .png file no larger than 10MB.
Make sure your submission is on theme for the upcoming issue. We will not accept submissions that do not fit the upcoming theme!
Provide us with a title for your work and the medium(s)/material(s) used. Let us know how you'd like to be credited (your name, exactly as you want it to appear with your work). You can provide a short description of the work, or some words on the inspiration for and process behind the work, especially as it relates to the theme of the issue, but please not more than 4 to 5 sentences. This description/inspiration will be published alongside your work.
Please read the Other Frequently Asked Questions before submitting.
Submitting music?
Read this first:
If submitting music, please ensure the following:
Studio quality recordings: Recorded either at a professional or home studio, using microphones for voice and direct inputs for instruments (aka not recorded into your iPhone). This ensures that our audience will be able to clearly hear all components of the song in high fidelity, and that artists submissions will be represented in the quality they deserve.
Lyrics submission: This will ensure that lyrical content is appropriate for our magazine.
Consideration of length: Depending on genre, we ask that submissions generally be no longer than three and a half to four minutes.
Our editorial team will review your work and determine if it fits the theme of an upcoming issue prior to publication.
Please read the Other Frequently Asked Questions before submitting.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
When is Wild Greens open for submissions?
We solicit submissions monthly. Submissions tend to open around the 20th of the month and close around the 15th of the next, although this isn't always the case. The best way to be in-the-know for upcoming themes and deadlines is to get our magazine delivered straight to your inbox, by subscribing to our mailing list.
Does Wild Greens pay artists?
We are proud to say that we are entirely community funded by our readers! At this time, we can offer accepted artists and contributors some compensation for their work (more of a tip, really).
When will I hear back about my submission?
We will respond to every submission. We review all work starting on the 16th of the month, once the submission period has closed. Our turnaround time is about a week following that. Please note that we are a small, volunteer editorial team, so though we try to get back to you as soon as possible, there may be delays!
What kind of art exactly do you accept?
Take a look in our archive to see what kind of things we've published in the past. Or, submit what you want. If it's something we haven't published before, we'll talk with you about it and see if it's a good fit.
I'm a reader of Wild Greens. How do I donate?
First of all, thank you! You are the reason we are able to keep publishing the magazine every month. We have a donate page on our website. Or, send us an email to talk more.
What if my work has been published elsewhere? Can I still submit it to Wild Greens?
We cannot accept work that has been published elsewhere. Simultaneous submissions are OK, though. As the writer, you keep copyright of any work we publish, but Wild Greens requests that you ask us for permission before republishing your content. If it is republished, please indicate that Wild Greens was the first to publish. Unpublish requests will always be honored.