Wild Greens

Volume 4, Issue vii


Wild Greens 4, no. 7 (May 2024)


Welcome to the May 2024 issue of Wild Greens

The Recognition issue of Wild Greens is full of meetings, moments in time, and memories both painful and sweet.

In Suzy Harris’s poem “The Return of Persephone,” a mother greets her daughter after a long separation. Lynne Marie Rosenberg’s ink and graphite on paper “Meeting Myself” captures the moment when the artist saw herself in her new role as teacher.

Jessica Doble’s poem “Alma Mater,” meaning at once nourishing soul, nourishing mother, and university, takes up the idea of generational inheritance—what we keep from our families and what we painfully or joyfully discard when we grow.

Jesmal Jalals’s personal essay “The Floral QR Code” tells the story of a time the author entered a Onapookkalam (floral carpet) contest, blending modern science and technology with a traditional art.

Irina Tall (Novikova)’s three collages, “On the blue surface, like the sea…” “Firebird” “Don’t hide your face… your eyes will give you away…” imagine the self being free as a bird.

“My Love,” a poem by Colleen T. Reese, explores the idea of seasons of the self. Holly Genovese’s mixed media collage “not dead yet” captures in defiance how neither the illnesses nor identities that make up the artist’s self have killed them yet.

Michael Simms’s compendium, “The Apothecary of the Back Yard” recognizes the valuable properties of common weeds. “Flower Dolls,” a handmade by Melissa Lomax, brings to life a floral craft made by the artist’s grandmother.

Claudia Wysocky’s poem “Anemone” processes grief through scent and memory.

“Recognizing Oneself,” in ink, by Angela Patera, depicts a magpie at a puddle. Magpies recognize themselves in the mirror!

“Moving Memories,” a poem by Doug Jacquier, closes the issue. Here are memories saved, memories unpacked, memories hidden deep within drawers.

We hope you recognize yourself in this issue of Wild Greens.


The Return of Persephone

by Suzy Harris

When my daughter steps through the gateafter her eighteen-hour flight,I stand up too quickly, feel the floor tiltas I reach up to put my arms around herfeel a surge of momentary onenessbefore we separate again into me and she.
This time she has all of her belongings in two heavy bags,one filled with books that survived the fire,fire so hot it melted hangers to her clothes. But her books—her books survived the heat, smokeand water. She steps back into the world,this world we call home, or home again

Meeting Myself

by Lynne Marie Rosenberg

Graphite on paper

Inspiration: In 2024 I jumped into a role many had predicted for me, but I had not yet taken on: teacher. Thanks to a dear friend who has changed my life more than once, I was given a job teaching at NYU Tisch/Playwrights Horizons Theater School, and in January, before the start of the semester, I had the pleasure of meeting my cohort of students individually on Zoom. The particular experience of Zoom—where you can see your own face as you converse—gave me the profound opportunity to watch myself take on this role as I helped these students refine their learning goals, explore their projects, and helped them resource themselves for the upcoming semester.

On a meditation retreat years ago with Sharon Salzberg and Sylvia Boorstein, I was introduced to the mantra practice, "May I meet this moment freely, may I meet it as a friend." This drawing emerged from that wonderful, technology-aided experience of meeting myself as an educator for the first time. 

Alma Mater

by Jessica Doble

From the center, equidistant choicesTo the legacy lawyerThe dairy farmerOr the helicopter parent.
It can be an unexpected slidea slip, really,from I’ll be better to because I said so
And your father’s crow feet,laugh lines and her high archesFeathering features— Skin and bones
2+2=the number for gravity is 10.Geography can’t be a compass-- In high school, they don’t teach heartbeats for queen beesbut they happen anyway.
18. You’re beaming.Your alma materplays its rhythmthrough worn pathsYour child, following
All you can hope, Nourishing soul,Is a place toward Each point in the circle

If you like the issue, you can donate to Wild Greens through our Ko-fi page!

The Floral QR Code

by Jesmal Jalal

What makes our lives blissful is trying a thing that nobody has tried before. Those memories would be deep-rooted in our minds, catalysing energy for further innovations. My college life at IISER Tirupati was made memorable by such an event. Onam festival is celebrated wherever Keralites (residents of Kerala in India) are. As a Keralite, we have a wide variety of contests to make Onam glorious.  The Onapookkalam (floral carpet) contest is an important event in this festival. The carpets are always round in shape and should include traditional symbols. Two years back, during such a floral competition, we had an entirely new idea—a floral carpet blending the elements of modern science and technology with tradition since IISER is a science education institution. 

It all started the night before the floral carpet competition. Our boys’ hostel had a room where we occasionally met to play games and chat about current affairs. So the night before the competition, we gathered in the room as usual. 

“Tomorrow is Onam. How’re you guys planning to celebrate?” Suyambu, one of my friends, asked.

“Eating traditional dishes…playing games,” I replied, “like we always do.”

“Perhaps we do something different this time,” Suyambu proposed, “like participating in the floral carpet competition.”

“It’s all hard work, and we don’t even know all the traditional symbols associated with it!” Stephin anxiously added.

“I know, guys,” Suyambu sighed. “Let’s do something different, like using science in the floral carpet.”

We all looked at him in wonder, waiting to hear his idea. Looking at our curious eyes, he seemed taken aback a little.

“I was just putting forward a concept. Actually, I have no idea either,” he said helplessly.

Just then, when we were about to give up, Joshin came forward and said, “What about a QR code out of flowers?

“You mean a floral carpet of QR code?” Ashwin was doubtful.

“Yeah. QR, a product of science portrayed in a traditional fashion. But will it work?” asked Jishnu. Thus followed a long chit-chat of doubts. Although the QR code is black and white, any colour would suffice as the pixel blocks only matter. Still, it didn’t guarantee the decoding of the message as the flowers form neither sharp lines nor edges.

“But we won’t win the competition for sure. We’re violating the rules of the competition,” Siyad remarked.

“Who wants to win? We will just enjoy doing a new thing, that’s it!” Davin smiled.

“Yeah, let’s go. The competition starts in the morning, so we only have some hours left to plan,” I said excitedly.

That night, we, a group of 10 boys, began work on an extraordinary experiment. We decided that the message embedded in the QR code would be a simple, traditional phrase used during Onam. With the help of the internet, we made a picture of the required QR code, and the hard part was to scale it up for the carpet. Stephin grabbed long scales while we were calculating measurements. We all knew the QR code wouldn’t be decodable even with the most accurate measurements. And we didn’t care a bit. What is life without experimenting or trying new things?

After a long night of calculations, I laughed and said, “Guys, we’re going to mess this thing up. And I am enjoying it already!”

The following day, we drew grid lines on the floor while many eyes looked at us in awe. Only after finishing the gridlines and assigning the grids with specific flowers did we discover a grave reality. 

“It’s already half-time! And the hard part is just coming,” Jishnu remarked in agony.

“We are a group of 10. We can surely work it out in time,” I said and told my friends a simple strategy. Then, splitting into two groups, we began to make the floral carpet simultaneously by cutting flowers for it. Again, splitting into two groups, we filled flowers in the QR code outline from four corners. Fortunately, in front of a surprised audience, the QR code floral carpet was finished in time. A few improvisations were made, but it seemed to turn out fine.

“Time to check if ‘Plan QR code’ worked,” I said, taking out my phone. But to our dismay, the scanner failed to decode. Even though I had zero hopes for success, I couldn’t ignore a tiny tint of disappointment at the back of my heart.

“Look at the people. All their attention is on the QR code floral carpet only,” Stephin said, staring at the crowd. Everyone was praising our work even though it was a failure.

“Guess that counts as a win then,” I smiled. We all agreed. Then, a boy, a senior to us, approached us and showed us his phone. I literally jumped with happiness. Some of us whistled and cried in excitement. Our message appeared on his phone, Vannonam Thinnonam Poikkonam (Come and have a happy meal), decoded by a random QR scanner app. The problem was with our app, not the carpet. Our QR floral carpet was a success!

As we imagined, we lost the competition. But we were all happy, because we won everyone’s hearts. When asked about it now, no one remembers who won the floral competition that year, but everyone remembers who put up a working QR code out of flowers.

Editor’s note: the author writes that the QR code didn’t work on his QR scanner app, and it doesn’t on mine as well. I’m including the QR code result regardless; try it out in case it works for you!

"On the blue surface, like the sea...," "Firebird," and "Don't hide your face... your eyes will give you away..."

by Irina Tall (Novikova)

Ink, gel pen, colored paper, foil, paper

My Love,

by Colleen T. Reese

As in clam shells,Thrown back by the green and froth-white waves of the shore.Jamie lists them all—Both the colloquial and scientific names for clams in the same order as the older woman had listed them to her.
The woman washes her hands in the incoming wave.“They are all dead, you know.”The gem clams that are washing upOn this side of the beach are mostly deadfrom low tide.
And they are laughing nowStrangers who have said enoughPeople who are happy to never be seen again.
The gem clamsare the most like bugs of the clams she lists—Small, Almost soft.They are the ones that digIf you hold them in your hands like she didAway from the sun somewhere cool and dark and wetand safe
My love,As in clam shells,Digging back into land. 
It's something of a Greek existence,Jamie observes. She cites a fable Quick and matter of factNot because we're Greek, just because she knows the storyI don't catch it But Mom does. And she agrees.Every day is spent washed up by the tide.
They debate for a moment one of the finer points of the story Saying few enough words (“He was a Thessalian.”)in vague enough terms (about the Thessalian and his curse)that I am reminded that many can speak this way, their agreement making it easy to follow along. 
It is the best that some of us can do to keep up.
And I find myself suddenly fascinated by them That perhaps it is natural Necessary, even to be a creature who deals in futilityas they all say nowEverything in its patternEverything, a season and me, settling into a welcome decay 
My love,As in clam shells, All washed away.

not dead yet 

by Holly Genovese

Mixed media, collage, paper, scraps, acrylics

Inspiration: In this picture (I was fine), I recognized death, and, in particular, the death of AFAB people that our society is obsessed with only after they are killed. I also recognized that though I looked dead (perhaps) none of the illnesses, identities or other conditions that can and may kill me have. What does it mean when we ourselves, the living, mirror death? 

The Apothecary in the Back Yard*

by Michael Simms

In our garden of blueberry, elderberry, rose, zinnia, sage, oregano, and tomato, Eva and I have decided to reserve a corner that will be left untended. This plot will be left to whatever plants appear without our interference. This is our tribute to nature’s wild will, a sacrifice to the Goddess of Weeds. We’ll let her do what she wants with this six-foot square…

Of course, we can’t know at this early stage what plants will grow in this wild space, but among the weeds we regularly pull from the cultivated portion are certain herbs that have wonderful nutritional and medicinal qualities. Here’s a brief introduction to the health benefits of half a dozen of the more common weeds that grow in our backyard:

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): the leaves are commonly eaten as a salad green, and the flowers brewed as a tea. Both leaves and flowers are full of vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as minerals, such as iron, potassium, and zinc. It is the best-known source of Vitamin K, essential for healthy bones. Traditionally, dandelion is used to treat bladder infections and to strengthen the liver. Select small young leaves are less bitter than mature ones.


Lambs quarter, also known as white goosefoot (Chenopodium berlandieri) is one of the most common weeds in gardens and backyards, especially if you’ve added manure to the soil. These mild-tasting wild greens are easy to recognize with their triangle- or diamond-shaped leaves coated on the underside with a white or gray powder. Lambs quarter is closely related to quinoa, beets, spinach, and chard (the Chenopodiaceae). Members of this plant family are nutritional powerhouses: good sources of niacin, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber, protein, vitamins A, C, B6, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, copper, and manganese. 

Traditionally, lambs quarter, when prepared as a tea, are used to treat stomach aches and gastrointestinal tract disorders, and as a poultice, are used to treat burns.

Lambs Quarter

Lemon balm, also known as citronella and lemonella (Melissa officinalis). Lemon balm is a perennial herb from the mint family. The leaves, which have a mild lemon aroma, have been known since ancient times to have a calming effect, and recent scientific research has strongly supported this belief. Traditionally, the herb is used for digestive problems, including upset stomach, bloating, flatulence, vomiting, and colic; for pain, including menstrual cramps, headache, and toothache; and for mental disorders, including hysteria and melancholia. Many people make tea from the leaves and drink it for anxiety, sleep problems, and restlessness. Lemon balm is also used for Alzheimer’s disease, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Graves’ disease, swollen airways, rapid heartbeat due to nervousness, high blood pressure, sores, tumors, and insect bites. I add the slightly acerbic leaves to my salad to balance acidic foods like tomatoes.

Lemon Balm

Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata). A member of the Brassicaceae family, garlic mustard is one of the oldest spices to be used in cooking in Europe. Evidence of its use has been found from archeological remains found in the Baltic, dating back 8,000 years. The chopped leaves are used for flavoring in salads and sauces such as pesto, providing a mild flavor of both garlic and mustard. This herb has long been used as a disinfectant to cleanse wounds, as well as a diuretic. 

Like its relatives, kale and cabbage, garlic mustard is loaded with beneficial phytochemicals, including glucosinolate, which helps to prevent cancer. Despised by gardeners and foresters, garlic mustard is classified as an invasive species in North America. Since being brought to the United States by settlers, it has naturalized and expanded its range to include most of the Northeast and Midwest, as well as southeastern Canada. It is one of the few invasive herbaceous species able to dominate the understory of North American forests and has thus reduced the biodiversity of many areas. So, if you want to help the environment, eat as much of this weed as you can.

Garlic Mustard

Wild chives (Allium sibiricum and Allium schoenoprasum). Unlike onions and garlic, chives do not produce a large bulbous root—rather the leaves and flowers are eaten. They are prized by cooks for their deep color and mild flavor. They can be used fresh or dried. Like other alliums, chives produce sulfur compounds (including methyl sulfides and disulfides), which have proven health benefits—anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-tumor. Both the wild and cultivated varieties are valued by organic gardeners because most insects are repelled by the odor. My brother Jack, a skilled gardener, puts a line of chive and scallions on the edge of his vegetable garden as sentinels to protect the perimeter.

Wild Chives

Purslane (portulaca oleracea). Although considered a weed in North America, purslane has been widely used as a food and medicine in India, China, and the Middle East since ancient times. Traces of purslane are often found in prehistoric sites. Whether eaten raw or cooked, it is a highly nutritious comestible that is high in Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, and E, as well as calcium, potassium, and iron. It is also an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain function. With a slightly sour taste, the stems, leaves, and flowers are all edible. Traditionally, it is harvested in the early morning when the flavor is tangy, and recent scientific research shows that the nutritional content is highest at this time as well. As part of its impressive nutritional profile, purslane contains two types of betalain, potent antioxidants that have been found to help prevent cancer.


Weeds, by definition, are plants that grow where they are not wanted. But many of the wild plants that grow in our very own gardens have more to offer than most know to give them credit for. If you are interested in learning more about how to identify the edible weeds in your yard or garden, you might want to invest in a handy field guide, such as Peterson’s Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: Eastern and Central North America. For medicinal herbs, consult the companion volume Peterson’s Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs of Eastern and Central North America. Also helpful is the video series Eat the Weeds.

*This article is intended for educational use only. It does not offer medical advice.

Flower Dolls

by Melissa Lomax

Flower petals, leaves, toothpicks, photo with digital layout

Inspiration: When we were very little, our grandmother shared this floral craft. It was so magical to watch her transform a beautiful flower from her garden into something we could play with! Now, whenever I pass by hibiscus, I smile while thinking of those memories… and all the flower dolls that can still be created.


by Claudia Wysocky

His hands smell of anemone and mushroomson a spring morning.
The sea is as flat as he is silent.He’s a man who deals with silence and water, withthe weight of the stones in his pockets.
The tide has just begun to come back in, and he’s on the beach,walking toward the town where I live alone, taking pictures of anglesand shadows that look like things they aren’t.There are no waves at this time of day; there is only him.I pretend that he is my father and I am his daughter.I pretend that I have never been kissed.I think about the way that he walks, and how he smells like my mother’s gardenin the summertime, before he was taken away from her by the wind.

Recognizing Oneself

by Angela Patera

Ink on sketchbook paper

Inspiration: Magpies have the ability to recognize themselves in mirrors. Studies show that this member of the corvid family is one of the few birds that have passed the test for MSR (mirror self-recognition).

Moving Memories

by Doug Jacquier

Memories,carefully dusted off and swathed,packed in boxesalong with the more trivial possessions.Like the apocryphal cat, they can’t be left behind.
Some you will unpack immediately upon arrival—to be used as handy conversation pieces when old friends call.Some will remain encased—with only an occasional furtive private inspectionto check for silverfish and mildew.And some will be ‘forgotten’—but will only feign death, andlike ancient terracotta soldiers,will wait in infinite patienceready to ambush the present.

Read about the inspiration for this month's logo on Ko-Fi.

Artists and Contributors

Suzy Harris


Suzy Harris lives in Portland, Oregon. Her poems have appeared in Calyx, Clackamas Literary Review, and Switchgrass Review, among other journals and anthologies. Her chapbook Listening in the Dark (2023), about hearing loss and learning to hear again with cochlear implants, is available from The Poetry Box or your favorite independent bookstore.

Lynne Marie Rosenberg


Lynne Marie Rosenberg is a multihyphenate visual artist, writer, educator, and TV presenter based in Brooklyn, NY. She is the creator and host of the three-time Emmy-nominated television show, Famous Cast Words, on the PBS-affiliate network, ALL ARTS. She is currently on faculty at NYU Tisch in the Playwrights Horizons Theater School studio, and she is a long-time volunteer at The 52nd Street Project, a nonprofit organization serving youth in Hell’s Kitchen.

Jessica Doble

Poet and Poetry Editor

Jessica Doble (she/her) holds a PhD in English from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She's published two critical works: “Hope in the Apocalypse: Narrative Perspective as Negotiation of Structural Crises in Salvage the Bones” in Xavier Review, and “Two-Sides of the Same Witchy Coin: Re-examining Belief in Witches through Jeannette Winterson’s The Daylight Gate” in All About Monsters. Her poetry has appeared in PubLab and Wild Greens magazine. 

Jesmal Jalal


Jesmal Jalal comes from Kerala in India. He graduated with a BS-MS from IISER Tirupati in India. He published his debut novel, The Devil’s Cage in 2019. He was also shortlisted for The Twist and Twain Short Story 2020-21 Award for his story "Culprits." He loves to pen down stories in his website Equation of Fiction

Irina Tall (Novikova)


Irina Tall (Novikova) is an artist, graphic artist, and illustrator. She graduated from the State Academy of Slavic Cultures with a degree in art. She also has a Bachelor's Degree in design.

Her first personal exhibition, "My soul is like a wild hawk," (2002), was held in the Museum of Maxim Bogdanovich. In her works, she raises themes of ecology, including a series of works in 2005 that she devoted to the Chernobyl disaster. She also draws on anti-war topics for inspiration. The first big series she drew was The Red Book, dedicated to rare and endangered species of animals and birds. She writes fairy tales and poems, as well as illustrates short stories. She draws various fantastic creatures: unicorns, animals with human faces, and images of the human/bird called a Siren. In 2020, she took part in Poznań Art Week. Her work has been published in magazines such as Gupsophila, Harpy Hybrid Review, Little Literary Living Room, and others. In 2022, her short story was included in the collection "The 50 Best Short Stories," and her poem was published in the poetry collection, "The wonders of winter."

Colleen T. Reese


Colleen T. Reese is an emerging poet who calls her beloved city of Philadelphia home. Her poetry has been published in The Purposeful Mayonnaise and Wild Greens magazine but is most often heard recited over a gin and tonic in dive bars across the city.

Holly Genovese


Holly Genovese (they/them) is an Austin-based artist working primarily in collage, mixed media, and acrylics. They served as art director for the 2021 issue of PubLab, and has shown their work at the Da-Vinci Art Alliance in Philadelphia. Their visual art has been published in Contingent Magazine, Just Femme and Dandy, and, of course, Wild Greens. They are a Ph.D. Candidate in American Studies at UT Austin, but they hail from Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. They primarily write about art and anti-prison activism academically, which is why, in their free time, they do anything else. Find their writing in Teen Vogue, Jacobin, The Washington Post, The Chronicle of Higher Ed, and many other places. They are also a ghost tour guide, a sometimes teacher, an underwear influencer, an artist, a poet, and the servant to their cat, Petunia. They read a lot, spend much of their time in the water, and wear really big earrings. They are also proudly neurodivergent and mentally ill. Redditt thinks their glasses are ugly, but Chrissy Teigan used to follow them on Twitter. 

Follow them on Instagram and Twitter, @hollyevanmarie, and read more of their work holly-genovese.com.

Michael Simms


Michael Simms is a poet, writer, and activist who lives in the Mount Washington neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 2011 he was awarded a Certificate of Recognition from the Pennsylvania legislature for his service to the arts, and in 2015 he earned a certificate in Plant-based nutrition from Cornell.  His most recent poetry collection is Strange Meadowlark (Ragged Sky, 2024).

Melissa Lomax


Melissa Lomax (she/her) is a freelance illustrator, writer, and cartoonist, with 20 years of experience in the creative industry. Some of her clients include American Greetings, Sellers Publishing, Great Arrow Graphics, Lenox Corporation, and Highlights for Children. Her comic 'Doodle Town' posts on GoComics.com, the largest catalog of syndicated cartoons and comics. When she is not in the art studio, she enjoys spending time in nature, drinking really good coffee, and 'everyday adventures' with her husband. Pop by her Instagram @melissalomaxart for weekly inspiration!

Claudia Wysocky


Claudia Wysocky, a Polish writer and poet based in New York, is known for her diverse literary creations, including fiction and poetry. Her poems, such as "Stargazing Love" and "Heaven and Hell," reflect her ability to capture the beauty of life through rich descriptions. Besides poetry, she authored All Up in Smoke, published by Anxiety Press. With over five years of writing experience, Claudia's work has been featured in local newspapers, magazines, and even literary journals like WordCityLit and Lothlorien Poetry Journal. Her writing is powered by her belief in art's potential to inspire positive change. Claudia also shares her personal journey and love for writing on her own blog, and she expresses her literary talent as an immigrant raised in post-communism Poland.

Angela Patera


Angela Patera is a published writer and artist, and an emerging poet. Her short stories have appeared in Livina Press, Myth & Lore Zine, and more. Her art has appeared in numerous publications, as well as on the cover of Selenite Press, Penumbra Online, Monster Mag, and Apothecary Journal. When Angela isn't creating, she likes to spend time outside in nature.

You can find her on both Twitter/X and Instagram, @angela_art13.

Doug Jacquier


Doug Jacquier writes from the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia. His work has been published in Australia, the US, the UK, Canada, New Zealand, and India. He blogs at Six Crooked Highways and is the editor of the humour site, Witcraft.

Myra Chappius

Poetry Editor and Copyeditor

Myra Chappius (she/her) is the author of six works of fiction and poetry. While her passion lies with shorter creations, it is her aspiration to complete a full-length novel and screenplay someday. She enjoys reading, running, cinema, music, and seeing the world. When not doing mom things, she is working full-time, learning a new language, and planning her next trip. 

You can follow Myra on Instagram at @inwordform. Her work can be purchased on Amazon.

Tim Brey

Music Editor

Tim Brey (he/him) is a jazz pianist living in Philadelphia. He holds positions as Artist-in-Residence and Adjunct Faculty at Temple University and The University of the Arts, where he teaches jazz piano, music theory, and improvisation. Check out more of his music and his performance schedule at https://www.timbreymusic.com.

Jacqueline Ruvalcaba

Senior Editor

Jacqueline (she/her) edits fiction and nonfiction as the senior editor for Wild Greens magazine. She earned her BA in English and creative writing at the University of California, Riverside, and completed training as a 2021 publishing fellow with the Los Angeles Review of Books. She previously served as a co-editor for PubLab, editor for UCR's Mosaic Art and Literary Journal, and as an intern with Soho Press. In her free time, she loves to read all kinds of stories, including YA, literary fiction, sci-fi, and fantasy.

Maggie Topel


Maggie Topel (she/her) is an artist and writer living in Philadelphia. She designs our seasonal Wild Greens logos and social media avatar.

Hayley Boyle

Arts Editor

Hayley (she/her) creates the cover image for each issue of Wild Greens and serves as the Arts Editor. Hayley is a social justice seeker, world traveler, rock climber, dog snuggler, frisbee player, event planner, and storyteller. She loves to paint with watercolors, embroider, and write. She grew up reading sci-fi and fantasy, and to this day she still turns to those genres to help her make sense of the world. She calls Philadelphia home where she lives with her partner Evan and her dog Birdie, and she wouldn't have it any other way. You can find Hayley on Instagram @hayley3390.

Rebecca Lipperini


Rebecca Lipperini (she/her) is a writer, teacher, and academic living in Philadelphia, and the founding editor of Wild Greens magazine. She holds a PhD in English from Rutgers University, where she taught all kinds of classes on literature and poetry and writing, and wrote all kinds of papers on the same. Her essay on the soothing aesthetics of the supermarket was recently published in PubLab. She teaches in the Critical Writing Program at the University of Pennsylvania.

You can find Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccalipperini (personal) @wildgreensmag (you already know it).